December 24, 2019 by dart
The DART tutorial

The DART Tutorial is intended to aid in the understanding of ensemble data assimilation theory and consists of step-by-step concepts and companion exercises with DART.
Instructions for installing DART and the MATLAB® diagnostics can be found in the DART documentation.
DART tutorial slides
1. Filtering For a One Variable System
3. DART Runtime Control and Documentation
5. Comprehensive Filtering Theory: Non-Identity Observations and the Joint Phase Space
6. Other Updates for An Observed Variable
7. Some Additional Low-Order Models
8. Dealing with Sampling Error
9. More on Dealing with Error; Inflation
10. Regression and Nonlinear Effects
13. Hierarchical Group Filters and Localization
14. Observation Quality Control
15. DART Experiments: Control and Design
17. Creating Observation Sequences
18. Lost in Phase Space: The Challenge of Not Knowing the Truth
19. DART-Compliant Models and Making Models Compliant: Coming Soon
20. Model Parameter Estimation
21. Observation Types and Observing System Design
(Not available) 22. Parallel Algorithm Implementation
(Not available) 23. Location Module Design
(Not available) 24. Fixed Lag Ensemble Kalman Smoother